Video & Photo Release Policy


Parents, JR Wolves staff (Coaches, Team Moms, etc.) may Video and/or Photograph athletes participating in any JR Wolves game, practice, gathering or other TCYFL event or activity individually or in groups.  The videos and/or photographs may appear in JR Wolves promotion, publicity or web site content.
The Video & Photo Release Policy States:

  1. All participants, registered parents or guardians, athletes and related persons to the JR Wolves Program:
    1. Consent to having their picture or video taken or appear (unbeknownst to them) in said photos or videos.
    2. Release the JR Wolves Program from any claims of defamation, invasion of privacy, infringement of moral rights or copyright of all photographs and/or videos in question.
  2. The JR Wolves Program and its appointed officials shall not use any photo or video for uses other than promotion, publicity or web site content of the program.
  3. IMPORTANT: Policy Integration
    1. This policy runs parallel to the Code of Ethics Policy.